Reintroducing ALI (Alice). Some of you may remember her from last year. when we picked up her and her brother, RA from the shelter when they had been surrendered after their mom could no longer take care of them. Ali had been adopted into a very loving home. She had a great mom and a furry sister to play with. Earlier this year her mom fell and had to go into the hospital for a while and when she returned home, the other little dog became very protective of her. Going so far as to not allow Ali to go near her. This led to several little squabbles between the dogs and eventually escalated to a fight. Seeing that the house was no longer a safe place for Ali, her mom reached out to us to take her back and find her the right place.
After getting Ali settled back into a foster home, her foster mom noticed the right side of her looked swollen. We got Ali into the vet and we believe that during that last fight Ali sustained a small puncture wound, that no one saw, and it allowed bacteria to enter and form an abscess behind her eye. We tried oral and IV antibiotics, but they were not able to help and eventually we had to do surgery. In cleaning out the abscess we learned the eye was damaged and needed to be removed.
And Ali is all healed up and ready to find her furever home. For being an “older” (9years) dog Ali is still very playful and loves to play ball. She loves attention and watching TV with her person. At night she likes to snuggle under the covers. She would do best in home with another playful dog.
If you think Ali could fit in with your family, please visit our website and fill out an adoption application.