Fospice Program

Fospice Program

Fospice, a blend of “foster” and “hospice,” provides end-of-life comfort and care to very elderly or terminally ill homeless companion animals.

For years, the From The Heart Rescue Foster Program has offered care and support for companion animals at the beginning of their new life’s journey. So, hospice care for homeless animals who come to us too ill to save, or who are at the end of their life’s journey is just a natural extension of the Foster Program’s services.

Not all Fospice dogs are seniors. Sadly, younger dogs and pups sometimes qualify if they have been diagnosed with a terminal condition like renal failure, heart disease or certain cancers. Depending on the diagnosis, a Fospice dog may have a matter of weeks or months, or just like humans, canine patients can beat the odds and go on to live far longer than expected.  Fospice may also be right for an adult dog who, by reason of their background, is too socially awkward to disrupt it's routine by placing it into yet another new home.  Whatever the reason, our Fospice parents provide love and a caring home.

Like fostering, Fospice provides a loving home to a deserving dog without incurring the costs and long-term responsibilities of a traditional adoption. Food, medications, veterinary visits and all the other expenses of caring for a Fospice pooch are taken care of by From the Heart Rescue. The difference between foster and Fospice is the outcome. Instead of preparing a pooch to head off to its forever home, a From the Heart Fospice home is providing priceless end-of-life care to a dog otherwise destined to pass away in a lonely cage at a shelter because we can’t save them. The Fospice Program offers a unique and beautiful opportunity to show them a level of love and comfort they may never have experienced before.

Obviously, these pets do not know that their time is limited – but what they do know is they are happy every day they are in a loving home. The benefits for these animals in terms of comfort, stress reduction, and happiness is immeasurable. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of people who provide Fospice care benefit as well – simply because they realize the importance of the gift they are giving to these dogs.

 As Christine  G, one of our Fospice Parents writes:

One of the most rewarding experiences of our lives was having our precious fospice dog, Barney. He was so scared and almost helpless when he came to us. We expected he didn't have much time; but, we were blessed with nearly a year and a half. He followed me around like my shadow. One of our dear elderly friends had just lost their little dog, so she would come over and hold Barney, bringing each other a lot of comfort. A piece of my heart went when he crossed the rainbow bridge, and not a day goes by that I don't miss him.  But, we are looking forward to our next fospice dog, to provide love and comfort in their final time on earth. It's the most rewarding experience imaginable.

We are always looking for special foster parents who are willing to give extra snuggles, endless treats, unlimited belly rubs, and never-ending ear scratches! We know people say “Oh, but I would just get too attached and the dog would die so soon”. Well, there is no way to sugar coat it, but dogs do die and their time on this earth is too short. That said, any of us could kick off tomorrow and it goes for that cute puppy, too. Longevity is not guaranteed to anyone or anything. Learn to love the sweetness that comes with each day and rejoice in what you have. A Fospice dog can teach you that!

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No matter how long they have, these animals deserve loving, caring fosters who will make sure they are spoiled rotten in the remaining time they do have.

Please consider becoming a loving Fospice home.

If you can’t foster, please consider donating to our Fospice Program dogs

For these animals, this is the first AND last chance to experience finally having a family!

From the Heart Fospice
From the Heart Fospice Program
From the Heart Fospice Program
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