Sharing our home, hearts, and lives with animals that have been forgotten, abandoned, on death row, and in need of mental and physical healing is where our passion meets purpose.
Behavioral Education
A holistic whole body- whole brain scientific approach to training using positive reinforcement and relationship building principles. Our one of a kind dog-psychology encompasses the mind and body connections that are inherently at work in dog behavior.
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From the Heart Rescue
Our mission is to serve the underserved -- the abandoned, orphaned, abused, injured and special needs dogs which have nowhere else to turn and to provide the love and care they never had until a forever home is found.
Founded in January 2004, From the Heart Rescue (FTH) is dedicated to caring for the hurt and frightened animal victims of accident, disease, cruelty and neglect, as well as senior and disabled animals, by providing the life-saving surgeries, medications and special care they need which other organizations are unable or unwilling to give.