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Helping Dogs Find Families Since 2005

We are a volunteer run, nonprofit group whose primary mission is to help with the rescue and placement of dogs in .


From the Heart Rescue is a foster based rescue organization and does not have a traditional physical kennel facility like many humane societies or animal shelters. Our dogs are typically housed in family homes and cared for by their foster families until we find a forever home for them. Therefore, our process to meet dogs and to adopt may be different than a normal animal control facility, humane society or animal shelter. We work hard to match each dog with their perfect forever home.



Find out how to adopt a rescue weimaraner



We are in need of foster families to take care of our dogs while they wait to find their forever homes



We are in need of foster families to take care of our dogs while they wait to find their forever homes

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What People Are Saying About GLWR

Adopted our boy from GLWR about 7 years ago. Best decision we ever made!!! The organization was so thorough with interviews, house visits, and reference checks, you can have confidence they will find amazing homes for all dogs they rescue.

~ Morgan, 2018

Our Featured Dogs